Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm taking this a whole new direction. I'm making this something I like to call Letters to Gramps. All blog posts will be in letter form to the man himself who I can't help but miss every day.

Letter #1

Dear Gramps,

8 months. How do I sum up everything that happened in that time? I know you know, but maybe this will organize my own thoughts, make my life less complicated. Even though I don't know how to sum that vast time span up, what I do know is this: I've learned a lot. I don't just mean about the human body or about the history of the Old Testament. I learned that life is short, sometimes much shorter than you expected. Because of this, you have to appreciate the time you're given & make it count. I've learned that time has a way of being a big bitch (to put it lightly) & it never looks back. It'll screw you royally, robbing you of opportunities, chances, & potential situations & not even think twice about it. Then it will bring it up later, as if to remind you just how snotty it can truly be. Life truly showed me how quickly it can switch around, ripping the earth out from under your feet & throwing you head long into a whole new way of living. Life has a way of working with time in total cruelty.

But yet, it can be absolutely beautiful. For instance, the very first time I held Jude Michael in my arms I couldn't help but think of how much you would have loved him. It breaks my heart every time I hear him laugh, giggle, smile, & coo because I know that it would have melted yours. Or when that adorable couple finally gets engaged & embarks down the blessed path that they both deserve. Or when a person's lifetime goal is finally achieved, leaving them feeling accomplished & giving inspiration to all of us around.

Life is interesting. It throws curves. It hands out gifts. It keeps you, well, alive. I hate that it took losing you for me to really understand all that I needed to learn. But maybe that's why you left us all so early, so we would all the learn the lessons needed to be learned. I miss you more than you'll ever know. Save a spot up there, Gramps. I'll see you soon.

Love, Elle.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1st of all. I have tumblr now. & let's be honest, tumblr is awesome. So I've been abusing that. I don't mean to abandon this blog, but this blog will be used for my thoughts & venting. So check in whenever you can. Here's my other blog:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oh my word. Someone has obviously recorded what I do in my head before bed & copied it. This is me.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Every time there's fireworks, some sort of drama happens in my life & there's always problems.

I hate fireworks.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Everyday things.

I haven't "blogged" blogged in wayyyy too long. But today, I just had a moment where all of a sudden I realized how many little things in my day tend to make me smile.

Turning to face the car in the turning lane next to you & looking square into the large, glassy eyes of a German Shepherd whose head is cocked to one side, questioning your being.

Laughing at that said dog as it's owner drives away unknowingly.

Seeing a father-daughter night time walk in the BEAUTIFUL weather Minnesota finally received.

Watching a squirrel bound through the yard like an antelope. Okay, maybe only I like this one.

Hearing someone thank me numerous times for performing a simple task, such as put more ice in their drink or get them a new straw.

Finding a pair of jeans that fits you perfectly.

Celebrating our little Princesses' 2nd birthday, complete with birthday hats, strawberry shortcake, & the Happy Birthday song numerous times, only to make her smile beam brighter with each repeat.

Getting your hair to curl just the way you like it.

Having a dream about your brother's upcoming football season, in which you were stressed out to find that the team made the state tournament. (p.s. this wasn't a dream, this is happening.)

Needless to say, I love my life.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Seriously. Way too pretty.